вторник, 21 октября 2008 г.

James Bond has refused to play the Torah

British actor Daniel Craig played James Bond, refused to play a major role in the film "Top" ( "Thor") studio Marvel, reports IESB. Produced by Marvel made his proposal, but he refused.

Tor is a fictitious character from the comic Marvel, created in the image of the god of Scandinavian mythology. Scenario "Tora" wrote Mark Protasevich working on the plot fantastic paintings I - The Legend. "

The release of "Tora, a director who would Irishman Kenneth Brana, scheduled for 2010.

Earlier it was reported that a British producer and director Matthew Vaughn will not work on "Torom" due to the fact that the request is too large budget for the shooting. It should be noted that Vaughn worked on the first version of the script "Tora" together with Protasevichem.

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